Your health records

We promise

Not to divulge to your relatives, friends or any other third party, either in writing or verbally, any information about you without your written permission. Any information means: the results of any investigations (eg blood test, x-rays, pregnancy tests); the nature and severity of any illness you may have or suspect you may have; any other personal information and any information we receive from a non-medical source (eg Social Services, insurance companies).

To allow you access to information we keep on you, provided that this information does not identify or provide information about third parties not directly involved in your care. The law allows us to withhold information about you on the very rare occasions that we might have concerns that such information might cause serious harm to your health.

We will

When requested, provide complete information about your medical status to:

Social Services – with your written permission, except in situations where there is serious concern about a child in your care, where information may be passed on for Child Protection purposes. We would always tell you if we were doing this, however.

Other health providers legitimately involved in your care (according to Caldicott criteria*).

We will not divulge any information about you without your consent unless ordered to do so by the Courts, or for Child Protection purposes, or in an emergency to protect you, or other people, from death or serious harm.

In return

Please do not allow your relatives and/or friends to approach us for information about you unless you have provided us with your written permission.

*Dr Stephen DeWilde is the Caldicott Guardian for the Practice.