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Children’s Hot Hub

From Monday 5 October, in conjunction with Francis Grove Surgery (our partner in the West Merton Primary Care Network), we are opening up a Children’s Hot Hub. We anticipate that this pilot project will run over the next six months funded by the Primary Care Network development funds.

The Hub will be hosted in a distinct, separate area at the back of Lambton Road Medical Practice in the annex on the ground floor accessed to the left of the main building entrance. We anticipate more unwell children with a fever over the winter months and whilst ‘Hot Hubs’ are available in the east of the borough, with transport provided if necessary, we felt it would be much better to see the children needing face-to-face consultations, after telephone triage, locally.

There is always a risk of COVID but other childhood infections are also increasingly prevalent over the winter months and need face-to-face review which provides reassurance for all.

We plan to set up sessions so that parents can access telephone slots for this from 08:00 on the day by calling either practice.

A doctor will call you and decide whether you need to be seen in person. Please do not come to the surgery unless requested to do so and as for the main surgery all over 5s need to wear a face covering and only arrive at the time of your appointment. Where possible, please attend with a minimum number of companions to minimise footfall and help to keep all of us safe.

Our clinicians will be wearing PPE. If we invite you to come in, you will be safe and will be completely separated from those attending for routine ‘cold’ appointments.

We hope this new clinic helps to improve access to acute care for children in our Primary Care Network. We will constantly be evaluating the service and value feedback from parents. You can provide feedback by completing the Feedback and Complaints triage.