NHS Mental health
Find information and support for your mental health.
NHS: Mental healthKooth
Free anonymous online chat for young people to discuss their mental health issues.
Samaritans offer a safe place for you to talk any time you like, in your own way – about whatever’s getting to you. You don’t have to be suicidal. Call Samaritans free, 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.
116 123
jo@samaritans.orgRethink Mental Illness
Rethink Mental Illness provide expert, accredited advice and information to everyone affected by mental health problems.
0121 522 7007
Rethink Mental Illness
Mind provide advice and support to empower anyone experiencing a mental health problem. They campaign to improve services, raise awareness and promote understanding.
0300 123 3393
MindHelpful Resources
A reading list consisting of self-help resources for anyone to use.
Take a look at our reading list.One You Merton
One You Merton can help you discover simple steps to look after your mental health and wellbeing, deal with stress and anxiety, boost your mood, improve your sleep and help you feel more in control.
www.oneyoumerton.org/every-mind-mattersCoral Mental Health Crisis Hub
The Coral Mental Health Crisis Hub is an alternative place of safety to the Emergency department for patients with primary mental health problems during the COVID-19 pandemic. The service is based at Springfield University Hospital and you can be referred to the hub via the Mental Health Support Line.
(Referrals) 0800 028 8000
CoralCrisisAssessmentHubTeam@swlstg.nhs.ukMental Health Support Line
A 24/7 service which is accessible to residents in the 5 boroughs of South West London and St George’s Mental Health Trust. The service screens calls and refers them to the right services, avoiding unnecessary trips to A&E and ensuring that people get the help they need.
0800 028 8000Stompcast
Stompcast a podcast with Dr. Alex George. It supports his mission to get us all out stomping, so whether you’re taking the dog out, hiking up a mountain or maybe you simply need some fresh air. Our mind and body can be transformed through the simple act of walking.
One of our GPs from Grafton Square Surgery, Dr Hill recently recorded an episode with him.
The podcast has been split into three parts:
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
https://open.spotify.comMerton Uplift – Mental Health and Wellbeing Services
Merton Uplift is a free service supporting anyone who has a mental health or wellbeing need, whether this is due to emotional difficulties such as anxiety or depression, or life stressors. The service aims to support people with wellbeing in many ways so no problem is considered to be too small.
You do not need to be referred by your GP or any other health professional, you can complete a self-registration form on the website.
020 3513 5888
www.mertonuplift.nhs.ukTalk Wandsworth (Talking Therapies/IAPT)
We can help if you are experiencing anxiety or stress, depression, bereavement or loss, sleep difficulties, anger issues, obsessive compulsive disorder, phobias, eating disorders and many other everyday problems.
0203 513 6264
Togetherall is an online 24/7 community and anonymous, peer-2-peer platform supporting a range of mental wellbeing issues. It provides self-help programmes, creative outlets and a library of articles to help improve your wellbeing. When you’re dealing with everyday distress or major life events, they’ll help you get through it. This service is available free of charge if you are a Wandsworth resident.
0203 405 6196
www.togetherall.com/en-gbWandsworth Mental Health Learning Disability Team
This service caters for clients in the Borough of Wandsworth who have a learning disability with underlying mental health problems and other complex needs/challenging behaviour.
chineze.olinze-shote@swlstg.nhs.ukMind in Brent, Wandsworth and Westminster
The Wandsworth Wellbeing Hub, across the road from Trevelyan House at 201-203 Tooting High Street, can be accessed by anyone living in Wandsworth who has been affected by mental illness.
020 7259 8100
www.bwwmind.org.ukLambeth Talking Therapies
Lambeth Talking Therapies Service offer talking therapies for people experiencing mild to moderate depression, general anxiety and worry, panic attacks, social anxiety, traumatic memories and obsessive compulsive disorder.
020 3228 6747
slam-iapt.nhs.ukSunshine Recovery Cafe
The Sunshine Recovery Café is open to adult residents of South West London (18+) who perceive themselves, or are at risk of moving into mental health crisis. It offers a constructive and non-clinical alternative to A&E or admission to hospital.
07908 436 617
The café is based within EngageMerton (which is run by CDARS) premises:
296a Kingston Road
SW20 8LXPost-natal Depression (PND)
Post-natal Depression (PND) is a form of depression that affects more than 1 in 10 women, and can also affect partners and fathers. Symptomatically speaking, it is very similar to depression, but occurs within the first year after giving birth. If you are worried about yourself or your partner, speak to your Health Visitor or GP to discuss the possibility of PND and treatment options.
NHS: Postnatal depression
There are also several charities which can offer guidance and support.
PANDAS FoundationCrisis Line
If you are a patient or caring for a patient who is cared for by the mental health service at Springfield Hospital, call your care coordinator or call the crisis line.
Main switchboard
0208 682 6000
For out of hours and weekends
0800 028 8000Healthlocker
There are various local and national support services you can contact, please see our website for further details.
i-THRIVE is a National Programme that aims to help children and young people improve their mental health and wellbeing.
In collaboration with i-THRIVE, Merton Council have created a leaflet with information about local resources that are accessible to children and young people: i-THRIVE Flyer – Parents, Carers, Families and Young People (PDF).
There are also YouTube videos available for both parents and children, covering topics such as anxiety, motivation and sleep disruption.
Video list for Parents
Video list for ChildrenHappy Maps
HappyMaps is a charity developed by GPs and CAMHS professionals with help from parents and young people. Collection of mental health resources for parents and carers, and for young people and children, in one place.
www.happymaps.co.ukYoung minds
The UK’s leading charity fighting for children and young people’s mental health.
www.youngminds.org.ukDoc Ready
Doc Ready is a digital tool that helps young people to prepare and make the most out of mental health related GP visits. It helps young people to know what to expect during a GP consultation, plan what to say and record the outcomes of their appointments.
www.docready.orgThe Mix
The Mix is here to take on the embarrassing problems, weird questions, and please-don’t-make-me-say-it-out-loud thoughts that people under 25 have in order to give them the best support through our digital and phone services.
www.themix.org.ukOff the record
Free, independent and professional counselling for 14-25 year olds.
Free and confidential help and counselling service for young people in the UK.
For young people who have been thinking of taking their own life or who have been harming themselves. Useful resources for young people and their parents/carers, friends or family.
Free online self-harm support.
The UK’s eating disorder charity. Online resources include helplines, chatrooms and self-help guides.
www.beateatingdisorders.org.ukWell Centre
Adolescent health centres providing a free and confidential health hub for 11 to 20 year olds. Has onsite GPs, health and wellbeing practitioners and counsellors. Multiple locations in Balham, Lambeth, Putney and Herne hill. All but Herne hill require referral from GP.
Mental health
Page published: 9 May 2023
Last updated: 22 December 2023